Caminhadas e Pedaladas
Golfe Montebelo, Viseu
27 holes, 200 hectares between two mountains just 10 minutes from Viseu.
Golfe Montebelo, Viseu
27 holes, 200 hectares between two mountains just 10 minutes from Viseu.
Pure Portugal Information
Whether you are on holiday, thinking of moving to Portugal, or already living here, our aim is to provide all the information you may need, including:
- purchasing a property in Portugal
-finding an architect, gardener, other professionals / tradesmen in Central Portugal
-importing a vehicle
-applying for residency
-booking a flight, train, or bus
- connecting with other ‘expats’ or with English-speaking locals in Central Portugal
The website is mainly aimed at EU nationals and is published by Pure Portugal
See property and holiday accomodation in Central Portugal in http://www.pureportugalholidays.com/, propriedades e casas de férias
Source: http://www.pureportugal.info/; Expats in Portugal ; Buying property in Portugal
Pure Portugal Information
Whether you are on holiday, thinking of moving to Portugal, or already living here, our aim is to provide all the information you may need, including:
- purchasing a property in Portugal
-finding an architect, gardener, other professionals / tradesmen in Central Portugal
-importing a vehicle
-applying for residency
-booking a flight, train, or bus
- connecting with other ‘expats’ or with English-speaking locals in Central Portugal
The website is mainly aimed at EU nationals and is published by Pure Portugal
See property and holiday accomodation in Central Portugal in http://www.pureportugalholidays.com/, propriedades e casas de férias
Source: http://www.pureportugal.info/; Expats in Portugal ; Buying property in Portugal
Dia Internacional da Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto
65º aniversário da libertação do campo de concentração Auschwitz-Birkenau
em 27-Janeiro-1945
Na semana de 25 a 29 de Janeiro 2010, o Departamento de Ciências Sociais e Humanas e a Biblioteca Escolar da Escola Secundária de Nelas irão lembrar as vítimas do Holocausto, promovendo as seguintes actividades:
Exposição temática e homenagem a Aristides de Sousa Mendes
Ciclo de Cinema com a exibição dos filmes
A Vida é Bela de Roberto Benigni ( 2ª feira)
A Lista de Shindler de Steven Spieldberg ( 3ª Feira)
O Rapaz do Pijama às Riscas de MarK Herman (4ª feira)
O Pianista de Roman Polanski ( 6ªfeira )
No dia 28-Janeiro-2010, às 14h30, irá decorrer uma conferência com a presença de responsáveis da Fundação Aristides de Sousa Mendes, a escritora Julia Nery e Lina Madeira, invesigadora da Universidade de Coimbra.
Fonte: ESNelas ,